Then overfill your molds with your damp-sand-y mixture. Now for the molds! Grease the insides of your molds with a single drop of vegetable oil. Your finished mixture should have the consistency of slightly damp sand and should squish in your hands without crumbling (if it doesn’t, add more wet or dry ingredients as needed). Add a few drops of your food coloring at this point, whisking all the while. If your mixture starts to fizz, add dry ingredients to the fizzing parts to stop the chemical reaction. If you pour too much in too quickly, it will start fizzing.
Using a whisk, slowly mix the wet ingredients into the dry mix, one teaspoon at a time. I added two or three teaspoons of essential oils to about three tablespoons of extra-virgin olive oil, then added about a teaspoon of water (be careful not to add too much water or your bath bomb will fizz into oblivion before it’s even fully formed!). I just kind did whatever to be honest-none of these ingredients is essential, anyway. In a separate bowl, mix the wet ingredients together. (I used two cups, or 16 ounces, of baking soda one cup of citric acid and one cup of Epsom salt.) Mix the dry ingredients according to this ratio: two parts baking soda, one part citric acid powder, one part Epsom salt. I used empty heart boxes I found at the dollar store where I found my essential oils.) a plastic mold for the bombs (This can be a Christmas-ornament mold, a cut-open tennis ball, a plastic Easter egg.a big mixing bowl (also glass if you can help it).two small mixing bowls (preferably glass).
Most of Lush’s bath bombs go for about $6 apiece, so by making your own you’re getting like 54 dollars’ worth of product for less than 10 bucks. This recipe is super easy and affordable and makes nine bombs.
My ritual costs a lot of money, though, because I’m such a Lush fan (they sell wonderful bath bombs-my favorite is Phoenix Rising), so I decided to learn how to make my own at home.
I take baths at least once a week (sometimes I come home from college JUST TO TAKE BATHS) and it’s always a big deal of candles, incense, bath salts, classical music, face masks, hair masks, and, most important… bath bombs.